so this photo doesn't have anything to do with this post. i just miss the white sand + clear blue water of cozumel. ;)
“Davis chalks up the decline in literary creativity to changes in educational policy as well as technology. ‘With the introduction of No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, there’s an increased emphasis on passing a standardized test, and there’s not a lot of room for experimentation and risk-taking.’ And while texting and social media have encouraged teenagers to write more than ever, that writing is mostly ephemeral. ‘There’s a sense that whatever you communicate is not going to last,’ Davis says. “It’s going to get drowned out in the sea of tweets that it’s posted among.’” (Studio 360)
That last quote got me. “There’s a sense that whatever you may communicate is not going to last…” What a haunting, and true, statement. In this fast-paced world, we want so desperately to be noticed and matter. But sometimes, it feels like everything and everyone is rushing along so fast, it’s hard to put your feet down. I believe; however, that it is possible to make a difference. Even in the fast moving, technologically driven world that we live in, you can be seen and heard. I’d go even further and say that ten years ago, people didn’t have the opportunities and platforms we have to share their ideas with others. Because of social media, people across the world can share the same experiences. I believe three things are important to being SEEN, HEARD + MAKING A DIFFERENCE online. And yes, they all start with C. Huzzah!
What you post is so important. You have to be purposeful, innovative, and most importantly, yourself. Think about it this way, your web presence (social media involvement, blog posts, anyplace you appear on the Internet) is like a store front. It is a look into who you are, a taste of what you are like and how you act. Post/blog about things you love, things you’re doing. Be choosy about the things you post.
Personally, this is my biggest struggle.. Choosing and STICKING TO a consistent blogging/tweeting/Facebooking/whatever-ing schedule is SO important. For example, people will come to expect your “good morning Monday!” tweets, or your Fashion Friday blog posts. Whatever you do, give people a reason to come back… consistently. Scheduling blog posts is a good idea + having set times for posting social media updates can help keep you organized!
You’re not going to get very far if you don’t love people. Hearts + art are what really matter in this industry. Facebook likes, money, fame, those things are cool and make us say, “Yay!” But they won’t last! People, digging deep into what they care about and loving them through everything, is important. Comment on + like other people’s photos/words! Show your support! Celebrate with people who accomplish big things. Be on their team. Why do I photograph? Why do I write blog posts for Unfolding Passions? Why am I writing a book? (A question I ask myself daily…) For myself: to fulfill what God has started in me, because it makes me HAPPY to be doing what I love. For others: I love people and I LOVE seeing young creatives thrive. For Jesus: He created me to do stuff for HIM and during that process, I find joy. He’s the reason I’m doing all of this!
So why do you photograph? Why do you make music? Why are you creative? Make sure that caring and loving is in there somewhere. It’s worthwhile, I promise. Don't forget to care about yourself too. Keep close tabs on where your heart + art don't mix. Do things that you love, because you love them and ultimately, your passion will be the thing that makes a difference.
amen to all this. keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for this, especially that last point about caring. Sometimes I get too caught up in how many people liked or commented on statuses and posts, but that's not why I should post. Thanks again.
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